Browsing: fashion

Although there doesn’t seem to be much hope of a Friends reunion episode any time soon, the creator of Friends recently opened up about what the characters would be up to these days, and revealed whether he thought Ross and Rachel’s relationship would last the test of time.

What was really interesting about fashion at that time was the way rock ’n’ roll heroes like Jimmy Page, Marc Bolan and David Bowie blended the genders so beautifully. It’s really relevant today. So in those days, the guys were all wearing their girlfriends’ clothes and digging through their wardrobes wearing their flares and their

Spring is finally here—even though it doesn’t really feel like it, with temperatures hovering at just about freezing for much of the country. But, if the power of positive thinking works for mastering the problems of everyday living, who says the power of positive decorating can’t do the same?