All business entities such as corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies must obtain an EIN or a federal employer identification number. It is a nine digit number assigned to businesses by the IRS or Inland Revenue Service for tax filing and reporting purposes. The EIN is used by IRS to identify the taxpayer. So if you are planning to start a business as a sole proprietor, you are required to obtain an EIN for the following purposes:
• to buy or inherit an existing business that you operate as a sole proprietorship
• to hire employees for your business
• to incorporate or form a partnership, or a limited liability company,
• to file for bankruptcy
• having a retirement plan
• for opening a bank account for your business.
The advantage of having an EIN is to avoid providing your Social Security number to your clients. These days, there is rampant selling of taxpayer’s Social Security numbers for filing of fraudulent tax returns and obtaining of tax refunds.
The application for an EIN is easy and free. Applicants can apply online using the online EIN Assistant tool provide on the IRS website but applicants have to send information via the internet, or through the postal mail. If you have any doubts concerning your application process, or if you are not comfortable sending information through the internet, you can go to to help simplify the process of your application and obtain the EIN as soon as possible.
First, if you are not sure which entity your business belongs to, you can take the Gov Doc Filing simple survey. Once you are sure of your business entity, you can click on the form of entity of your business. Then you can begin to fill up the straight forward online EIN or tax ID form.
Once the form is filled, then Gov Doc Filing will do the rest. Gov Doc Filing will begin to appropriate the necessary paperwork to expedite the EIN process, while you will be free to focus on setting up of your business. Gov Doc Filing prepares and submits your application for an EIN to the IRS on behalf of you, but does not verify your EIN application submission and will not be responsible for any inaccuracies of the information provided.