These days, a lot of group buying sites are rapidly emerging from nowhere. Groupon, LivingSocial, BuyAnihan, Nakamuraka are among the best example of such.
And now, Facebook seems to be taking advantage of such opportunity by launching their version of this group buying deals cited as “Facebook Deals“.
Facebook deals will be offering online discounts and deals from companies to its end users. It works almost the same as Groupon, offering daily deals and discounts but it behaves like how your status updates and news feeds show on your wall.
They will be primarily testing the Facebook deals on 5 major key cities in the US that includes Atlanta, Austin, Dallas, San Diego and San Francisco.
This will also marks the Facebook‘s precursor to their introduction to virtual currency as users will be using Facebook credits on purchasing items such as your girlfriend’s sexy corsets or your own gadgets, and pretty much, everything under the sun.