LG mobile recently announced the upcoming 2.3.3 Gingerbread update for Optimus 2x and Optimus One and they told us that the Gingerbread update for Optimus 2x will be available from early October and from early September for the Optimus One.
But since yesterday, it seems that the Gingerbread update for Optimus One has been already rolled out and already gone live as most of its users, apparently in some parts of Asia, were able to see a V20D update on their LG Suite and were able to upgrade their devices to Gingerbread 2.3.3. A couple of users reported a much impressive UI and battery stability to their devices since the update. Unfortunately for some, they still cannot see any update available for their Optimus One via the LG Mobile Update suite.
While this is some good news, a lot of Optimus 2x users are still waiting and hoping for an early release of Gingerbread update for their devices.
Were you already able to upgrade your Optimus One to Gingerbread? Have you noticed any changes after the update? Shoot your comments up on the comments section below and let me know your issues.