Ever get annoyed by browsing a site that requires a flash plugin? How about viewing your favorite clips on your p1i but you are bugged with a lot of errors (and sometimes, this makes your phone hang for a sec)?
Well this is because your P1i Smartphone doesn’t have a pre-installed flash plugin in it. Thanks so much again to SWmail for porting such plugin on P1i device.
Here’s what you need to get started:
(take note that you need to install first the hack to allow unsigned applications to be installed)
-Install CapsSwitch and ‘SIS installer mod for Symbian 9.1‘.
-Download archive with the program from http://www.agathosyne.de/files_ext/FlashPlugin.zip
-Install FlashPlugin.
-Start Opera
-Go to More >> Settings >> Configuration >> and tick “Allow Plugins”
-Enjoy Flash support!
This is really a breakthrough in history of P1i. Too bad Sony Ericsson didn’t foreseen the need of such for their P1i enthusiasts.
Questions/Comments? Just leave a note and I’ll get into it as soon as I can.