Change Default P1i Icons the Easiest Way Featured December 3, 2008 All sort of phones that we buy anywhere should just came with stock icons. How about changing those stock icons…
P1i Camera Mod Sony Ericsson December 1, 2008 Pictures taken by Sony Ericsson phone amazes me eversince the release of K series phones. Obviously, SE P1i is not…
Install Unsigned Applications: UIQ3 Sony Ericsson December 1, 2008 Recently I posted about the Flash plugin for you to view those site containing flash contents. Still remember the hack…
Adobe Flash Animations On Your P1i Sony Ericsson November 30, 2008 Ever get annoyed by browsing a site that requires a flash plugin? How about viewing your favorite clips on your…
W960i Walkman 3 Mod Ported To P1i Sony Ericsson November 28, 2008 So you already have an access to those hidden folders eh? But you still envy your mate’s Ipod? Why? You…
Hacking Hidden Folders: P1i Sony Ericsson November 27, 2008 Today I’ll be starting to post some useful tips on modding my beloved Sony Ericsson P1i. I know its a…