August of this year is about to end and we are now about to enter another yet month, hopefully, full of hope and surprises. September could always be remembered as a sad month forall the years to come, considering the 9-11 incident.
But as for me, it is my birth month and there shouldn’t be any reason for me to be sad as I believe that I already have everything that a normal man could ever have to be happy at his age. And with my wife always at my side no matter what? I dare anyone to beat that.
Speaking of hopes, surprises and birthdays, there is no other thing that we could think of right away hearing such words but gifts!
We as Filipinos are fond of giving rather than receiving. And as the “ber” month comes, we usually save a bit for us to please our loved ones during the holidays. And where else do we buy our gifts but in the malls. Some of us go to garage sales to buy stuff and save a lot.
As the computer age goes, so as the way we handle things out like shopping. Most of the people nowadays are so busy to go out to buy gifts so they just go shopping online. There are a lot of sites out there which offers items that you could buy as gifts. I myself usually go to and buy gifts as they usually offer great deals thus giving me more savings while I shop at the comfort of our home.